For many decades we have been inspired by the idea of building out of shipping containers; The idea of house sized lego blocks. Although they are designed to stack on their corners, any child will tell you that its the juxtaposition of blocks is truly what makes the form interesting. We bought this land for $10K at a tax deed auction in low economic times, and luckily lifted unfounded biological restrictions and have brought it forward slowly over the years. The lot is at the very end of a subdivision at the edge of what we assume is protected land and has been passed from owner to owner and largely squatted by the neighbor, Taxes, and grubbing, trees, septic design and culverts have cost us about $50k over the years, however currently the land tax value is almost $200K and its finally time to build a house on the edge of the woods. Our concept is to have a minimal site impact dwelling, significantly smaller than the neighbors, where people can retreat and enjoy the daily deer visits and other wildlife. We intend to share the project by using it as a vacation rental.