8536 11th Ave NW Seattle
This project like most was in disrepair. Like many, we purchased the property under asking as we convinced the seller that they would have all cash - quick closing - with no contingencies. This house like many would not work with traditional financing. Although the lot may have been suitable for a new-build we chose to work with the existing structure in hope of saving on costly permitting time. We raised, expanded and renewed the entire structure greatly improving the street presence and value of the local neighborhood. We purchased the original home for $375k, spent $300k in construction costs and sold for $924k. A year later it resold for $1.12M. The original buyer had us design and install a retractable TV in the Steel fireplace enclosure and install a custom steel gate at the drive after the sale.

Before + During
Award winning architecture created with Structurally Insulated Panels that miserably failed. We replaced 60 windows, created a new vented roof deck and lifted a spiral staircase into the interior courtyard. Most floor, ceiling and wall finishes including the outdated paneling and bathrooms were completely redone.